Student Poster Awards

Congratulations to the 2024 Student Poster Winners!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the poster session and mixer on Monday, June 17. It was a lively evening in the Starstruck Gallery, with many engaging conversations taking place. Fruit beverages and hot sliders were supplied as refreshments.

Two women holding food discuss a poster while other participants mingle in the background
Symposium participants mingle around refreshment tables at the Monday night poster session
Two poster presenters (man in white shirt, woman in lavender blazer) point to their work on opposite sides of a poster board while other attendees look and listen.

The winners of the 2024 Student Poster Competition are:

Hyeong Jin Hyun, Purdue University, for “Fast cost-constrained regression”

Lingxuan Kong, University of Michigan, for “Adaptive risk-weighted learning for estimating optimal multiple-object dynamic treatment regime of kidney transplant”

Fangzhi Luo, University of Georgia, for “Functional clustering for longitudinal associations between Social Determinants of Health and stroke mortality in the US”

Zi Wang, University of Pittsburgh, for “Nonparametric estimation of subgroup mediation effects with semi-competing risks data”

To read the abstracts of the winning posters, see the detailed agenda (under Monday, June 17, at 6:00 p.m.) or program bookThe winners will each receive $550 and a certificate at the student awards ceremony during the symposium banquet. 

We thank the judges of the 2024 competition:

Anjun Cao, Bayer U.S. LLC
Sheau-Chiann Chen, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Chongzhi Di, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Wenyun Gao, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Mi-Ok Kim, University of California San Francisco
Liang Li, MD Anderson Cancer Center
Jeen Jing-ou Liu, Regeneron
Rachael Liu, Takeda
Yushi Liu, Eli Lilly and Company
Ting Fung Ma, University of South Carolina
Kelly Street, University of Southern California
Shikun Wang, Columbia University
Yaomin Xu, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Chun Yip Yau, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lin Zhang, University of Minnesota
Xuwen Zhu, University of Alabama

The Symposium Poster Committee was chaired by Fei Ye, Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
Headshots of the 16 poster judges

See the poster competition guidelines for details about eligibility and judging criteria.

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